HITS was made aware of the exposure of a horse on the Lamplight show grounds to Strangles on July 1, 2024. Upon notification of a positive result on a horse at the home premises, the HITS veterinarian proactively moved the horse to Tent 7 and swabbed the horse which was not showing any clinical signs. At this time, neither the infected horse or any of the additional isolated horses have presented with any clinical signs, including fever or nasal discharge. Under the guidance of USEF, horse showing will continue as scheduled.

On the evening of July 2, 2024, the isolated horse also received a positive Strangles result and the decision was made to move the remaining 13 horses from the same facility also into quarantine in Tent 7, but separate from the positive horse.

All isolated horses in Tent 7 will be administered a Strangles test on Wednesday, July 3, 2024 with results anticipated on July 5, 2024. 

Two additional groups of horses from separate trainers stabled in Barn B have since gone to quarantine, and are also not exhibiting any symptoms at this time.The first group had direct, brief contact with the infected horse for several hours on Monday, July 1 prior to the move to Tent 7. This group has since also moved to Tent 7, separated from the infected horse. The second group did not have any direct access to any of the 14 horses as they were physically separated by empty stalls and arrived to the show grounds during the day on July 2 after the infected horse was moved to isolation.This group has since moved to a quarantine center in town where they will continue to be monitored.  

HITS management once again exceeded the expectations and requirements of state animal health officials by creating a secure quarantine area with enhanced biosecurity measures, and at all times, HITS management has been in contact with Dr. Katie Flynn, USEF’s Equine Health and Biosecurity Veterinarian. 

“The proactive isolation and testing of the exposed horse by the show veterinarian is commendable,” stated Dr. Flynn. “This quick action decreased the disease risk and protected the health and wellbeing of all horses on the event grounds. Based on this prompt action, and the implementation of biosecurity measures, we support the continuation of the competition at this time.”

HITS will continue to monitor the situation under the advisement of the USEF and practicing veterinarians and will continue to provide updates as necessary. The health and wellbeing of all horses on the grounds is the priority and the situation will continue to be monitored. 

We ask that every barn continue to take the situation seriously and enforce biosecurity measures within their own stable.

  • Take temperatures of all horses twice daily and maintain a log. Temperature logs are available at the horse show office. Horses presenting with a temperature of more than 101.5 degrees F or any signs of respiratory or neurological disease should be reported to the show veterinarian and HITS management immediately.
  • Isolate any horse exhibiting symptoms or illness and report any cases to the show veterinarian and horse show management.  Horses with symptoms will be moved to an on-site isolation area. 
  • We recommend no sharing of equipment between horses including tack, accessories, and feed and water buckets.
  • Handlers should wash hands in between handling horses and maintain proper biosecurity protocols in the barn and at the rings. 
  • Maintain distancing between horses at the ring and in the barn.  No nose-to-nose contact between horses. 

If you have questions,  please contact horse show manager Tom Urban () and updates will be posted on hitsshows.com and distributed via email.